Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts

Tapi Cinta yang membuat cantik

bukan titik yang membuat tinta
tapi tinta yang membuat titik
bukan cantik yang membuat cinta
tapi cinta yang membuat cantik 

***In memoriam of Eka Rifka Baksh***

1972, 19 Dec (Manado)


2011, 1 Dec (Manado)

I’d rather fall in chocolate!

 You can fall from the sky.
You can fall from a tree.
But the best way to fall.
Is in love with me.

You can fall from the sky, you can fall from a tree
even you can fall asleep, or you can fall on street
 but the best way to fall 
is into my bed or on your  knees
is still in love with me
Love is just love, it can never be explained.

Love is just a word 
until someone comes along and gives it meaning.

  Forget love – I’d rather fall in chocolate!”

i'd rather fall in chocolate

Grace Miller: How is Love

     Love, it must already exists before human beings start to have language. Love is chemical effect, and you could never tell why you love that one, and you could never stop it by your own will.
     People always want to find a definite answer about what is love, so they keep asking each other and themselves. However, there is no such person who can define what is love. Every person has his or her own understanding about love, and a single person’s understanding about love may differ by time.
I’d like to share my understanding about love.
     As I am a teenager girl, I feel love is the feeling that I believe he is very handsome, and hope that he has the same opinion on me, that is I am beautiful. It is a very simple feeling. I just wanna be with him, no mater what we will do. We can sharing the sunshine under a big tree and have no words at all. We can look at each other face to face and have no idea in our brain. We want to sing our favorite songs to each other. We want hold each other’s hands walk down a long street with green trees.
      As I grow up, and find the one I am willing to marry. Age changes, city changes, and friends changes, but love is still that love, love is still a simple feeling. When I am thinking about him, I will smile unconsciously. When I am with him, time goes fast , long street turns short, foods become tasted and pains feel less. His hand is warm, his smile is sweet, his happiness is more important than mine.
      I believe true love is not related to any other physical things. Love exist even we can’t talk to each other, even we are poor, and even we are ill. And true love won’t go to change even time goes.
     That is my love. I think I am lucky one in the world, for true lover is as seldom as diamond. Once you get one, you should cherish it for your whole life.

I found this quotes Published by Grace Miller on ACYMCA.NET Writing & Speaking Blog.

Cinta dan Perkawinan Menurut Plato (dedicate to Friend's Wedding)

Di hari yang lain, Plato bertanya lagi pada gurunya, 
"Apa itu perkawinan? Bagaimana saya bisa menemukannya?"
Gurunya pun menjawab "Ada hutan yang subur didepan sana. Berjalanlah tanpa boleh mundur kembali (menoleh) dan kamu hanya boleh menebang satu pohon saja. Dan tebanglah jika kamu menemukan pohon yang paling tinggi, karena artinya kamu telah menemukan apa itu perkawinan"
Plato pun berjalan, dan tidak seberapa lama, dia kembali dengan membawa pohon. Pohon tersebut bukanlah pohon yang segar / subur, dan tidak juga terlalu tinggi. Pohon itu biasa-biasa saja.
Gurunya bertanya, "Mengapa kamu memotong pohon yang seperti itu?"
Plato pun menjawab, "sebab berdasarkan pengalamanku sebelumnya, setelah menjelajah hampir setengah hutan, ternyata aku kembali dengan tangan kosong. Jadi dikesempatan ini, aku lihat pohon ini, dan kurasa tidaklah buruk-buruk amat, jadi kuputuskan untuk menebangnya dan membawanya kesini. Aku tidak mau menghilangkan kesempatan untuk mendapatkannya"
Gurunyapun kemudian menjawab, "Dan ya itulah perkawinan"
  sumber :
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